“Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” - Philippians 2:5-7

The Great Commission calls us to go and make disciples of all nations. We believe this includes our own communities as well as the nations. Join us in reaching out to the people around us and sharing the love of Jesus with others.


Pastoral Care Days

Home/Hospital Visitation of sick church Ohana. Tara & I also get to spend personal time encouraging married couples in the fellowship (upon request).


Synergy - School of Worship (SOW)

1st Fridays: 7PM Equipping our "Tabernacle Of David" (TOD) Praise Ministry.


Man2Man's Ministry Prayer Breakfast

2nd Saturdays: Calling all men (sons 16+ included). Join us @ 5AM for a glorious time of prayer followed by an onolicious breakfast.


Media & Sound Ministry
(Film & Recording)


Arts & Drama Ministry


Missions (Local & Global)



2nd Thursdays: Join us this day as we pray and fast for:
(1) The Body of CHRIST around the World (2) For Our Beloved Nation (America) (3) For CROIEC

Note: Fast a meal, or two...or for the entire 24Hours. We ask that for meals you would've otherwise consumed, be it one, two or three, that you 'deal your bread to the hungry' - feed and pray for a homeless person(s) (Isaiah 58:7)


Operation Blessing: GOD BLESS Our LEOs Ohana
(Serving & Former)

1st Saturdays of each month. We meet up at noon at the Kapolei Police Station. We provide lunch for our sterling LEOs (Law Enforcement Officers) on duty and get to pray for them.


Operation Blessing: Shriners Children's Hospital

1st Tuesdays of each month. We meet at 6PM and provide dinner for our fellow South Pacific Island families (Guardians included) whose children are undergoing complex orthopedic surgeries. We conduct a Worship service followed by celebrating the month's birthday candidates, board games, card games, lots of singing, desserts and praying with/for all present.


"Treasure Hunt" - Street Evangelism & Prayer Walks

2nd Fridays: Join our GeNEXT Ministry for an exciting evening of sharing ABBA's Aloha.

Meet @ 5PM every 3rd SONday


His Hands & His Feet Ministry

Reaching out to our House-less Neighbors


Kapolei Juvenile Detention Facility (18 +)

* 5th SONday Months (April, July, October, December) @ 2PM

* May, Tuesday 23rd (third Tuesdays of each new month) @ 6:30P


SONday Greeters & Ushers Ministry

Let us know if you'd like to be a part of this significant ministry.